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Employee Spotlight: Meet David Poudrier, Business Development Officer

Written by Andrea Elliott | Feb 4, 2021 9:27:50 AM

Meet David Poudrier, Business Development Officer

In continuation of our employee spotlight series, we’d like to introduce one of our Business Development Officers, David Poudrier. We asked David to answer a few questions about his history in the financial industry, how he got there, and what he is doing to lead the way at Exencial Wealth Advisors.


Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am a Wealth Planning professional with over a decade of experience in the financial services industry. I grew up in Southern Maryland and graduated from Coastal Carolina University, where I received a Bachelor of Science in Finance. I currently hold the Certified Financial Planner designation and I am currently working on becoming a Certified Investment Management Analyst. When I am not at work or pursuing further designations, I like to give back, stay active, spend time with my rescue dog, and enjoy time on the water. I currently serve as a mentor to the VP of Finance for Sigma Phi Epsilon at Coastal Carolina University. I enjoy giving back to the organization and school that gave so much to me. I believe in being financially fit as well as physically fit, I start my day early 4-6 days a week in the gym. I alternate between strength and cardio focused circuit workouts to stay physically healthy and mentally sharp. About 4 years ago I rescued a mutt named Bayley. She has lots of energy and loves to go for walks, this makes us a perfect match. Most nights you can catch us walking along the river, logging countless steps and enjoying people watching. On the weekends I enjoy boating and getting out to the beach.


What lead you into our industry?

My father is a retired Financial Advisor, so I was exposed to the financial markets at a young age and taught the value of a dollar. My parents helped me develop good financial habits early on. My first exposure to the financial markets was in the late 90’s. My parents purchased AIG stock in the early 90’s and we watched it grow. As the market continued to accelerate into the new millennium, we started to keep a close eye on our holdings. They told me that once AIG hits $100 a share, we will sell our stock and buy a pool. I always dreamed of having a pool. I would check the newspaper daily and tell my parents what it closed at the day before while eating breakfast. Sure enough, in January 2000 we sold the shares and bought a pool! Little did we know about the recession right around the corner and how AIG would be negatively impacted during the financial crisis. I learned that taking an active approach to investing is important and that you cannot just buy and hold, having a sell strategy is very important in goals-based planning. During my teenage years I had a neighborhood lawn mowing business, worked at a local plant nursery with my mom, and umpired baseball games. I did all this to help pay for my first car and put gasoline in it. I learned at a young age that cars do not run on hopes and dreams. I was also involved in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) in high school where I got to go on business trips and listen to guest speakers. This is where I learned the fundamentals of personal finance. After seeing the power of compound interest and learning more about time value of money I was hooked. Wile attending Coastal Carolina University I had some amazing professors. They pushed me and gave me as much personal attention as I desired. They helped prepare me for the rigorous exams that would follow as I joined the workforce.


What moves did you make starting your finance career?

I started my career in Finance in 2010, right as the economy and stock market was recovering from the Financial Crisis of 08/09. I had no idea what to expect and where the industry would take me. I was fortunate to join a fantastic industry leading company that gave me the top-notch training, incredible coaching, and amazing opportunities. I started off as a trader and quickly worked my way up to being an Advisor. I have worked in Florida, the Carolinas, and Virginia. My favorite part of being an Advisor is that every day is different. Each day brings a new opportunity to learn and I am constantly challenged. I am constantly humbled by the trust that clients place in me. By sharing their deepest financial fears and biggest financial goals, our client advisor relationship often blossoms into a friendship. I take a lot of pride in being my clients personal CFO and trusted advisor.


What is your philosophy and approach for handling clients?

Our clients expect and deserve white glove service and with advice from industry experts. Since I joined the industry, I have been committed to constantly growing and learning as an advisor. My promise to clients is that every time they speak to me, I will be better and more knowledgeable than the last interaction, I am always getting better. In my current role as a Business Development Officer my days are spent meeting with prospective clients. During our meeting I review their goals and finances. I spend time educating them on our services to see if we would be a good fit.


Tell us about your team and what they’re capable of?

Here at Exencial, we believe in division of labor. I feel comfortable and confident going into any and every meeting because the team behind me is so strong and well rounded. My team consists of operational specialists, dedicated traders, portfolio managers, an in-house tax team, an in-house estate planning team, and wealth advisors across the country with various backgrounds and expertise.