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Job Losses in the Air – How to Be Prepared

Written by madmin | Jun 24, 2020 7:31:04 PM

Job Losses in the Air – How to Be Prepared
By: Jean Wilczynski, CFP®, Senior Wealth Advisor

Many people have either lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic or are at risk of losing them. Although restrictions put into place to flatten the curve have loosened, the economic impact and uncertainty created by the pandemic is still being felt by Americans across the country. 

With this in mind, we thought it might be helpful to compile a few of the most common questions we’ve received as it relates to potential job loss as well as action steps you can take now to ensure you and your family are financially sound should this happen to you.

1. What financial steps should people who are still employed be taking now to ensure they will be OK if they lose their jobs?