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Maintaining Wealth

Written by madmin | Mar 13, 2019 1:35:37 PM


At Exencial, we have long been believers in diversification as a tool for wealth maintenance. Although wealth is often obtained by focused work, such as owning and running a business, becoming an expert in a particular field or just hard work, we like to say that wealth is maintained by diversification.


The average life cycle of a publicly-traded company today is only about 10 years1, and that number has been decreasing. Even renowned companies once considered unstoppable encounter difficulties over time. One company that was in the original Dow Jones Industrial Average in 18962, General Electric, was recently removed from the index and its stock has plummeted in recent years. 3 Additionally, retail companies like Sears and JCPenney were thought to be staples of the American household not too long ago, but both companies are in serious trouble today.4


No matter how strong a company appears, chances are something will eventually disrupt its trajectory. For that reason, owning only five or six stocks is a risky way to maintain wealth. Diversifying aids in managing that risk.


Of course, diversified assets do not behave like the radio segment on A Prairie Home Companion about the children of Lake Wobegon who are all above average.5 Holding a diversified portfolio means that an investor is holding assets that, at least for a time, are doing well and some others that are underperforming. Rather than jettisoning the underperformers, we should first analyze why they are not generating expected returns. If there is something fundamentally flawed with the investment that could negatively impact future expected returns, it may make sense to sell the asset. But if the investment is going through a period in which it is out of favor, or one in which the market is more heavily discounting its value, we generally shouldn’t eliminate the position.


In fact, all other things being equal, out-of-favor assets that the market discounts more severely tend to see higher future expected returns. For example, the U.S. market was severely discounted relative to foreign markets during the Great Recession in the late 2000s.6 However, investors that remained in the market throughout that period were later rewarded with significantly higher returns over the next 10 years. 7


We see a similar thing happening with individual stocks within our Select Strategy. So far in 2019, many of the stocks in this portfolio that underperformed last year are outpacing the names that performed strongly in 2018. It is still early, but in some cases last year’s “laggards” may be turning into this year’s “leaders.”


In summary, mean reversion8 is an unavoidable force constantly at play in the market. What goes up (and down) often reverts closer to average returns. Companies and asset classes don’t continue to overperform or underperform indefinitely.


Being diversified means owning at least some investments that for a time underperform. This is the cost of obtaining diversification, a tool that is so helpful in maintaining wealth that has been created through focused effort and work.



1. Fortune – This is how long your business will last, according to science
2. Yahoo! Finance – Dow Jones Industrial Average
3. CNN Business – General Electric gets booted from the Dow
4. Business Insider ¬– Sears has filed for bankruptcy and announced it would close more than 140 stores, but it isn’t the only department store that has struggled recently — here’s why
5. Podbean – A Prairie Home Companion: News from Lake Wobegon
6. Investopedia – The Great Recession
7. Yahoo! Finance – S&P 500
8. Investopedia – Mean reversion



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